Native Plant Species Availability
Perennials | Grasses & Sedges | Shrubs and Trees
(Updated March 21, 2025) PLEASE NOTE: If you are reading this, Spring plants are not ready yet. I will open and begin releasing plants in mid April. Below is a list of what I have overwintering from last season and new plants in production for April. Once the first wave of plants are ready to release, I will remove this message.
The following species are overwintering or in production for Spring 2025. I’ll be adding to the list as I confirm new species. Future availability date is listed next to USDA symbol – when ready to release, I’ll remove the future date). If no future availability date is listed, the pots are overwintering and will be released once new growth emerges. For inquiries, or to place an order, please email with species and quantities.
Retail Plant Pricing
Most plants are in standard perennial quart size. If larger, it will be noted next to the USDA symbol.
- Standard perennial deep quart – $7.50 unless noted (full tray of 18+ = $.50 off per plant)
- Standard perennial one-gallon – varies, noted next to symbol
- Shrubs/trees/vines – varies, noted next to symbol
The following symbols indicate native plants that are recognized and recommended by individual experts and organizations as being attractive to pollinators, such as native bees, honey bees, lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), and hummingbirds, and/or serve as a larval food source (host plant) for a number of lepidoptera and other beneficial insects.
1 – Xerces Society pollinator-friendly plants of the Mid-Atlantic region
2 – Best native plant genera to help wildlife based on the research of Dr. Doug Tallamy
3 – Identified as native to Philadelphia in Fairmount Park System Natural Lands Restoration Master Plan (PDF)
4 – Approved species for Philadelphia Water Department Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) systems (PDF)
Symbol | Scientific Name | Common Name | Key |
ANVI3 | Anemone virginiana | tall thimbleweed | 2,3 |
ASINP2 | Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchra | Eastern swamp milkweed | 2,3,4 |
ERYU | Eryngium yuccifolium | rattlesnake master | 2 |
FRVI (mid April) | Fragaria virginiana | Virginia strawberry | 2,3 |
HEVI2 (mid April) | Heuchera villosa | hairy alumroot | |
HEAM6 (mid April) | Heuchera americana | coral bells | 3 |
IRVE2 | Iris versicolor | blue flag | 2,4 |
LISP | Liatris spicata | dense blazing star | 1,2,3,4 |
LOCA2 (mid April) | Lobelia cardinalis | cardinal flower | 2,4 |
LOSI (mid April) | Lobelia siphilitica | blue lobelia | 1,2,3,4 |
MOBR2 (mid April) | Monarda bradburiana | eastern beebalm | 2 |
OEFRG (mid April) | Oenothera fruticosa var. glauca | narrowleaf evening primrose | 2 |
OLRIR | Solidago rigida | stiff goldenrod | 2 |
PECA7 | Penstemon calycosus | longsepal beardtongue | 2 |
PEDI | Penstemon digitalis | foxglove beardtongue | 1,2,3,4 |
PHVI8 (mid April) | Physostegia virginiana | obedient plant | 4 |
PORE2 (mid April) | Polemonium reptans | creeping Jacob's ladder | 2,3 |
RUFUD (mid April) | Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamii | Deam's black eyed susan | 2,4 |
PYIN | Pycnanthemum incanum | hoary mountain mint | 1,2 |
PYMU | Pycnanthemum muticum | short-toothed mountain mint | 1,2 |
PYFL (mid April) | Pycnanthemum flexuosum | Appalachian mountainmint | 1,2 |
RUHU | Ruellia humilis | wild petunia | 4 |
SETE3 (mid April) | Sedum ternatum | stonecrop | 2 |
SIPE2 | Silphium perfoliatum | cup plant | 2,3 |
SOCA4 | Solidago caesia | wreath goldenrod | 2,3 |
SOFL2 (mid April) | Solidago flexicaulis | zigzag goldenrod | 2,3 |
SONE | Solidago nemoralis | gray goldenrod | 2,3 |
SYCO4 | Symphyotrichum cordifolium | blue wood aster | 2,3,4 |
SYNO2 (mid April) | Symphyotrichum novae-angliae | New England aster | 1,2,4 |
SYOB | Symphyotrichum oblongifolium | aromatic aster | 2 |
SYLAL3 | Symphyotrichum laeve | smooth aster | 2 |
VEVI4 | Veronicastrum virginicum | Culver's root |
Grasses, Sedges, & Rushes
Symbol | Scientific Name | Common Name | Key |
CAPE6 (mid April) | Carex pensylvanica | oak sedge | 2,3,4 |
DECE (mid April) | Deschampsia cespitosa | tufted hair grass | |
ERSP (mid May) | Eragrostis spectabilis | purple lovegrass | 2,4 |
CAST8 | Carex stricta | tussock sedge | 3,4 |
CAVU2 | Carex vulpinoidea | fox sedge | 2,3,4 |
SONU2 | Sorghastrum nutans | indian grass | 2,3,4 |
Shrubs, Small Trees, and Canopy Trees
Symbol | Scientific Name | Common Name | Key |
CEOC2 (1 gal) $20 | Cephalanthus occidentalis | buttonbush | 1,3,4 |
RUOC (1 gal) $15 | Rubus occidentalis | black raspberry | 3 |
VIOPA (2 gal) $35 | Viburnum trilobum | American cranberrybush viburnum | 3 |