Native Plant Species Availability

Perennials | Grasses & Sedges | Shrubs and Trees

(Updated February 12, 2025) The following species are overwintering or in production for Spring 2025. I’ll be adding to the list as I confirm new species. Future availability date is listed next to USDA symbol – when ready to release, I’ll remove the future date). If no future availability date is listed, the pots are overwintering and will be released once new growth emerges. For inquiries, or to place an order, please email with species and quantities.

Retail Plant Pricing

Most plants are in standard perennial quart size. If larger, it will be noted next to the USDA symbol.

  • Standard perennial deep quart – $7.50 unless noted (full tray of 18+ = $.50 off per plant)
  • Standard perennial one-gallon – varies, noted next to symbol
  • Shrubs/trees/vines – varies, noted next to symbol

The following symbols indicate native plants that are recognized and recommended by individual experts and organizations as being attractive to pollinators, such as native bees, honey bees, lepidoptera (butterflies and moths), and hummingbirds, and/or serve as a larval food source (host plant) for a number of lepidoptera and other beneficial insects.


1 – Xerces Society pollinator-friendly plants of the Mid-Atlantic region
2 – Best native plant genera to help wildlife based on the research of Dr. Doug Tallamy
3 – Identified as native to Philadelphia in Fairmount Park System Natural Lands Restoration Master Plan (PDF)
4 – Approved species for Philadelphia Water Department Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) systems (PDF)


SymbolScientific NameCommon NameKey
ANVI3Anemone virginianatall thimbleweed2,3
ASINP2Asclepias incarnata ssp. pulchraEastern swamp milkweed2,3,4
ASTUAsclepias tuberosabutterfly milkweed1,2,4
ERAQEryngium aquaticummarsh rattlesnake master2
ERYUEryngium yuccifoliumrattlesnake master2
EUMA27Eurybia macrophyllabigleaf aster2,3
HEVI2 (April)Heuchera villosahairy alumroot
IRVE2Iris versicolorblue flag2,4
LISPLiatris spicatadense blazing star1,2,3,4
LOCA2 (April)Lobelia cardinaliscardinal flower2,4
LOSI (April)Lobelia siphiliticablue lobelia1,2,3,4
OLRIRSolidago rigidastiff goldenrod2
PECA7Penstemon calycosuslongsepal beardtongue2
PEDIPenstemon digitalisfoxglove beardtongue1,2,3,4
PHVI8 (April)Physostegia virginianaobedient plant4
RUFUD (April)Rudbeckia fulgida var. deamiiDeam's black eyed susan2,4
PYINPycnanthemum incanumhoary mountain mint1,2
PYMUPycnanthemum muticumshort-toothed mountain mint1,2
PYFL (April)Pycnanthemum flexuosumAppalachian mountainmint1,2
RUHURuellia humiliswild petunia4
SETE3 (April)Sedum ternatumstonecrop2
SIPE2Silphium perfoliatumcup plant2,3
SOCA4Solidago caesiawreath goldenrod2,3
SOFL2 (April)Solidago flexicauliszigzag goldenrod2,3
SONESolidago nemoralisgray goldenrod2,3
SYCO4Symphyotrichum cordifoliumblue wood aster2,3,4
SYNO2 (April)Symphyotrichum novae-angliaeNew England aster1,2,4
SYOBSymphyotrichum oblongifoliumaromatic aster2
SYLAL3Symphyotrichum laevesmooth aster2
VEVI4Veronicastrum virginicumCulver's root

Grasses, Sedges, & Rushes

SymbolScientific NameCommon NameKey
CAPE6 (April)Carex pensylvanicaoak sedge2,3,4
DECE (April)Deschampsia cespitosatufted hair grass
ERSP (May)Eragrostis spectabilispurple lovegrass2,4
CAST8Carex strictatussock sedge3,4
CAVU2Carex vulpinoideafox sedge2,3,4
SONU2Sorghastrum nutansindian grass2,3,4

Shrubs, Small Trees, and Canopy Trees

SymbolScientific NameCommon NameKey
CEOC2 (1 gal) $20Cephalanthus occidentalisbuttonbush1,3,4
RUOC (1 gal) $15Rubus occidentalisblack raspberry3
VIOPA (2 gal) $35Viburnum trilobumAmerican cranberrybush viburnum3